Endorsements for ‘Marketing Yourself’

David Newman“There are books that you read – and there are books that you USE. Caelan has written the second kind. Consider this your action guide, implementation kit, and field manual for marketing success. Page after page of money making ideas that work and last.” 

– David Newman, Chairman of Million Dollar Speakers Group – NSA

Derek Sivers headshot circle“The most actionable marketing book I’ve ever seen! Great step-by-step instructions with memorable examples. Loved it.”

 – Derek Sivers, Author of Anything You Want

Donna McGeorge“Caelan has done what is not always possible for books about branding and marketing. He’s created something practical and instantly applicable. This book is a must read for anyone starting out and looking for a step by step process.”

– Donna McGeorge, Author of The 25 Minute Meeting

Joshua Waldman headshot circle“Personal branding literature is a genre unto itself these days, but Marketing Yourself is by far the most well crafted, researched, and useful I’ve ever read. Caelan provides frameworks that you can employ to boost your brand right away, literally, paint-by-the-numbers. It’s packed with great examples so I don’t feel like I’m left hanging with a good idea but no coaching. It’s all there. From values to website, here you will find everything you need to look great in the world without ever feeling overwhelmed.”

 – Joshua Waldman, Author of Job Searching With Social Media For Dummies

Kathleen Celmins“Caelan’s a genius. His background and his unique combination of skills make him an expert in personal marketing.

He is generous with his knowledge in these pages, and he tells great stories.”

– Kathleen Celmins, Author of Mindstorms

Rebecca Sutherns headshot circle“Caelan Huntress oozes charisma and adventure. Mix in strong shots of curiosity, communication wizardry and practicality, and you’ll understand the magic of Marketing Yourself.

It combines clear advice with compelling stories, offered up by someone who walks the talk.”

 – Rebecca Sutherns, CEO of Sage Solutions

Chad Littlefield“Assuming you would like more people to know about what you are doing or creating, this book is 100% worth your time. It’ll help the world market smarter, not harder.”

 – Chad Littlefield, CEO of We and Me

Col Fink headshot circleMarketing Yourself is a fabulously practical guide to growing your ability to market yourself, and if you implement even a portion of the ideas shared in this book, your value is certain to grow.”

 – Col Fink, Author of Tribes

Aaron Grow“With this book, Caelan Huntress delivers a must read resource for anyone looking to raise their level of recognition in their field. If you’re looking for a book that is packed with straightforward, easy to understand, easy to implement strategies to elevate your personal platform, this is the book to get.”

 – Arron Grow, Ph.D.

Corey Haines headshot circle“Striking out on your own is not for the faint of heart. Marketing Yourself is a must-read for creators, founders, and freelancers who want to avoid learning the hard way. I love the 4-part framework!”

 – Corey Haines

Judson Laipply“A one-stop shop for everything you need to know about elevating your personal platform! Actionable steps, relatable examples, and so much more. Save yourself time and money and increase your competency in one shot! Get this book and a highlighter (you’re going to need it) today!”

 – Judson Laipply

Louise Thomson headshot circle“Caelan has put together your ‘how to’ handbook – a step by step to take you to the first level or the next level.

 – Louise Thomson

Moran Bailie“This book is for anyone who has something to say or sell. In a world where so many are striving to utilize their gifts and brilliance to positively influence and help others, it is not enough to have a passion, talent, and a desire. Knowing how to market yourself well is essential for financial success. ‘Marketing Yourself’ is a must-read book which gives solopreneurs concrete tools, examples and step by step guides to elevate your personal platform in which your highest contribution can be made.”

 – Moran Baillie

Samantha Jung-Fielding headshot circle“Because my professional field is vast, I’ve always struggled to define a customer avatar. This book helped narrow my scattered and partially formed ideas, and enabled me to develop a clear action plan that is now drawing out more deliberate choices. I read this book cover to cover, and created a personal checklist for those missing items that would help me better market myself.”

 – Samantha Jung-Fielding, Happinessence

Allen Mathews“Caelan Huntress has put together a concise, easy-to-follow overview of how to build an online platform. It brings together the nuts and bolts that make online marketing work. These fundamentals are a great place to start for anyone gearing up to build a personal or business brand in today’s world.”

 – Allen Mathews, Classical Guitar Shed

Jackie Barrie headshot circle“This book gives you an actionable process so your au­di­ence can see you, hear you, and find you.”

 – Jackie Barrie

Javier Llerena“This book is brilliant! Clear and straight to the point, all delivered in plain no-nonsense English. Caelan offers lots of advice on actually implementing the concepts of Marketing Yourself in the real world.”

– Javier Llerena, Re-Invent Coaching

MIke Brian headshot circle“This book contains a number of powerful tools and techniques for anyone trying to grow their business. I believe the most expensive cost in business is the learning curve. The more you know, the less you guess. And guessing is expensive. READ this book and avoid funding the ever-painful learning curve in your business.”

 – Mike Brian

Rebecca Houghton“What a great read for entrepreneurs keen to get the word out there but with no idea where to start. What I love about this book is how intensely practical it is, without the marketing-talk or fluff that can really put you off marketing yourself! And let’s face it, if he can market himself from the jungle, you can do it from your lounge room.”

– Rebecca Houghton, CEO of BoldHR

SBryan Whitefield headshot circle“I am a past and future client of Caelan. He has taken an extensive topic and broken it down into digestible key concepts that will help you understand how to grow your brand. His vast experience, gift of story-telling and library of tools and templates make this resource a top pick for anyone wanting to elevate their personal brand to the next level.

 – Bryan Whitefield

Renee Spears“This is the best marketing book I’ve ever read! Caelan breaks down complicated marketing principles into simple actionable steps. He helps clarify your business vision and purpose and then gives easy steps on how to share it with the world. I highly recommend this book to anyone in business, whether you are a new entrepreneur or have been in business for 30 years.”

– Renee Spears

Taylorr Payne headshot circle“If you’re looking for a practical, no-nonsense approach to it establishing yourself as an expert, this is the book for you. Caelan provides easy to follow steps that makes it impossible not to take action and see results.”

 – Taylorr Payne, CEO of SpeakerFlow

Trudy Rankin“Even if you’re an experienced business owner, this book will provide a refreshing reminder of what good marketing is all about. It is well laid-out, with relevant stories and examples that will help you remember key points. I personally got a lot out of it, even though I’ve been in business for several years now. Well worth a read.”

– Trudy Rankin, West Island Digital

Vince Warnock headshot circle“Caelan is one of those rare authors that seem to deeply understand what we as entrepreneurs need. His mix of insights, case studies, and personal stories had me fully engaged throughout the book, and I now have a notepad full of practical takeaways to implement.”

 – Vince Warnock, Author of Chasing The Insights

Daniela Falecki“Marketing can be overwhelming and complicated but Caelan makes it simple. As a solopreneur, I don’t have time to create large scale marketing plans. Caelan’s models and formulas give me just what I need to share my message in an authentic way.”

– Daniela Falecki – Teacher Wellbeing

“Filled with not only Caelan’s wisdom from his many years as a marketer, I enjoyed this book for its practicality, along with exercises and templates. I feel as if I have a better foundation for marketing my practice because of the learnings this book offered.

 – Sonja Stetzler, Founder of Effective Connecting

Jussi Luukkonen

“I recommend this book to everyone who wants to understand self-promoting better. Caelan’s book is a good torch in the dark arts of marketing.”

– Jussi Luukkonen